13 research outputs found

    Na putu ka profesionalnoj etici odgajatelja

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    Profesionalna etika važan je dio odgajateljeve profesije, na kojoj treba raditi, graditi je i nadograđivati. U članku se problematizira značenje i potrebitost profesionalne etike odgajatelja

    Profesionalci ranog i predŔkolskog odgoja i obrazovanja u Europskoj uniji

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    27 zemalja Europske unije, svaka na svoj način, pridonosi kulturnom, povijesnom, socijalnom i inom bogatstvu Europe. Ne čudi stoga da je i rani i predŔkolski odgoj i obrazovanje u sličnoj poziciji, s težnjama ka ujednačavanju stupnja obrazovanja profesionalaca ranog i predŔkolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (EACEA P9 Eurydice, 2009, EC, 2010). Svaka od tih zemalja može nam u dijelu svojih djelatnosti biti primjer, ali kad su profesionalci ranog i predŔkolskog odgoja i obrazovanja u pitanju, Hrvatska može uspravno stajati

    Na putu ka profesionalnoj etici odgajatelja

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    Profesionalna etika važan je dio odgajateljeve profesije, na kojoj treba raditi, graditi je i nadograđivati. U članku se problematizira značenje i potrebitost profesionalne etike odgajatelja

    Tv-sadržaji i slobodna igra djece u vrtiću

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    Despite the new media, television is the most influential electronic medium in our society. Almost every household owns a television set (further in the text: TV), and, besides in their families and educational institutions, children encounter various TV contents and advertising in shopping malls, dining establishments, healthcare institutions, etc. Using the adequately controlled and planned TV content, there can be a positive influence on children\u27s motivation, thinking process, employment of cognitive strategies, etc. On the other hand, excessive and uncontrolled exposure to TV content can lead to a series of problems including obesity, aggressive behavior, fear, and so on. When it comes to playing, which is a synonym for learning during the preschool age, a significant influence of TV has been noticed. Apart from the fact that exposure to television reduces playtime and the acquisition of experience from the real situations, it significantly influences the course of playing as well. Characters, vocabulary, and scenes - they all have a role in children\u27s play, even in places in which the child does not have contact with the television set. Watching and documenting children\u27s playtime and other related activities gives us an insight into their interpretation of the content they watched, and also of the context in which the child is growing up, in which television has formed his or her experience.Unatoč novim medijima televizija je najutjecajniji elektronički medij u druÅ”tvu. Gotovo svako kućanstvo posjeduje televizor, a osim u obitelji i odgojno-obrazovnim ustanovama, djeca se s televizorima, raznim sadržajima i oglaÅ”avanjem susreću u trgovačkim centrima, uslužnim objektima, zdravstvenim ustanovama itd. Adekvatnom, kontroliranom i planiranom upotrebom tv-sadržaja može se pozitivno utjecati na motivaciju djece, razmiÅ”ljanje, upotrebu kognitivnih strategija. Suprotno tome, pretjerana i nekontrolirana izloženost može dovesti do pojave niza problema, od gojaznosti, agresivnog ponaÅ”anja, straha isl. Kada je u pitanju igra, kao sinonim za učenje u rano i predÅ”kolsko doba zamijećeni su značajni utjecaji televizije. Osim Å”to izloženost televiziji skraćuje vrijeme za igru i stjecanje iskustva iz stvarnih situacija, uvelike utječe i na sam tijek igre. Likovi, rječnik, scene ā€“ sve to znatno oblikuje dječju igru, čak i u prostoru u kojem dijete nema doticaja s televizorom. Promatranje i dokumentiranje dječje igre i ostalih popratnih sadžaja daje nam uvid u dječje poimanje gledanog sadržaja, ali i kontekst u kojem dijete odrasta, u kojem televizija oblikuje njegovo iskustvo

    Movement and integrated learning: preschool teachersā€™ competence

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    The research aim was to determine the preschool teachersā€™ competence for the implementation of movement in childrenā€™s integrated learning and everyday activities during their stay in early education institutions. As many as 100 preschool teachers from various early education institutions of the City of Rijeka and its surrounding participated in the research. The questionnaire consists of 16 items. The basic statistical parameters were calculated, and the Spearman correlation coefficient, the Mannā€“Whitney U and the Kruskal Wallis test were used. Results show that preschool teachers with more in-service years have a significantly (p Ā¼ 0.00) better opinion of the benefits brought by movement and more need for professional training. The preschool teachers who participated in educations linked to movement feel significantly (p Ā¼ 0.00) more competent for its integration in their educational work. The need to integrate movement has become the imperative of contemporary education

    Building the profession: professional ethics and preschool teacherā€™s education

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    Profesionalna etika je područje u kojoj se odgajatelji ne osjećaju sigurno. Da bi nužno ojačala svoj druÅ”tveni status, odgajateljska profesija mora jačati i područje profesionalne etike. Iako formalno obrazovanje ne postoji, dijelovi profesionalne etike mogu se pronaći u ishodima učenja i kompetencijama pojedinih kolegija na Učiteljskim fakultetima u Hrvatskoj. Istraživanje je provedeno u akademskoj godini 2012/2013 među 33 odagajteljica upisanih u prvi semestar prve godine diplomskog studija Ranog i predÅ”kolskog odgoja i obrazovanja pri Učiteljskom fakultetu u Rijeci. Glavni ciljevi istraživanja bili su ispitati stavove odgajatelja o profesionalnoj etici, kao i da utvrditi da li edukacija o profesionalnoj etici može utjecati na razvoj svijesti o istoj. Pripremljeni upitnik koriÅ”ten je u u dva mjerna ciklusa, prije i poslije edukacije, dok je t-test za zavisne uzorke koriÅ”ten za usporedbu rezultata mjerenja. Kvalitativni podaci prikupljeni su otvorenim pitanjima.Professional ethics is an area in which teachers do not feel confident. It is necessary to develop the status of the teacher profession in the society, which cannot be done without strengthening the ethics. Formal education on professional ethics does not exist, but its fragments can be interpreted in terms of the learning outcomes and competency courses at the Faculties of Teacher Education in Croatia. This research was conducted in the academic year 2012/2013 among 33 female preschool teachers enrolled in the first semester of the first year of graduate studies of Early and Preschool Education at the Faculty of Teacher Education in Rijeka. The main aims of the research were to investigate the attitudes of preschool teachers on professional ethics, as well as to determine whether the teaching course could raise awareness on professional ethics among preschool teachers. A questionnaire was prepared and two measuring cycles were conducted, one before and one after the teaching course, while the t-test for paired samples was used to compare the results of the measuring. Qualitative data were also gathered through open-ended questions

    Vključenost vzgojiteljev predŔolskih otrok v informalno učenje kot pomemben dejavnik njihovega profesionalnega razvoja

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    Every preschool teacherā€™s activity results in changes in the preschool teacher as well as in the practice. In situations where we have a limited number and form of professional training offered to preschool teachers, whose attendance is not always subject to the personal plan of preschool teachersā€™ professional development, informal learning adds great value to teacher development. This paper aims to examine the involvement of preschool teachers in certain forms of informal learning and their reflection on the impact these forms have on their professional development. The empirical part of the paper presents the results of a survey conducted among preschool teachers. 110 preschool teachers from the Republic of Croatia responded to the questionnaire and we got answers to two research questions. The results show that preschool teachers are most often involved in a form of informal learning which includes agreeing on how to work with a colleague from the group and documenting the childrenā€™s activities.Vsaka aktivnost vzgojiteljev predÅ”olskih otrok spreminja tako posameznega vzgojitelja kot prakso v vrtcu. V razmerah, ko smo omejeni tako pri Å”tevilu kot obliki strokovnih usposabljanj predÅ”olskih vzgojiteljev, katerih udeležba v njih tudi ni vedno odvisna od osebnega načrta poklicnega razvoja vzgojiteljev v vrtcu, ima informalno učenje velik pomen za razvoj vzgojiteljev. Namen prispevka je raziskati vključenost vzgojiteljev predÅ”olskih otrok v nekatere oblike informalnega učenja in njihov razmislek o vplivu teh oblik na njihov profesionalni razvoj. V empiričnem delu prispevka so predstavljeni rezultati ankete med 110 vzgojitelji predÅ”olskih otrok v Republiki HrvaÅ”ki. Na podlagi vpraÅ”alnika smo dobili odgovore na dve raziskovalni vpraÅ”anji. Rezultati kažejo, da so predÅ”olski vzgojitelji najpogosteje vključeni v informalno učenje, ki zajema dogovor o tem, kako sodelovati s kolegom iz skupine, in dokumentiranje otrokovih dejavnosti

    Profesionalni razvoj vzgojiteljev z vidika vzgojiteljevih pojmovanj

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    Continuous professional learning of preschool teachers today is no longer the choice of individual enthusiasts, but a necessity and a professional duty of every preschool teacher. Professional development of preschool teachers in the broadest sense means the process passing from the individualā€™s decision of a profession or from the beginning of training to retire. In a narrower sense, the professional development of preschool teachers is limited to the period of ā€œcritical situationā€, during which the individual actually professionally develops - changing his or her perceptions, attitudes, and practices of action. Researching professional development, we distinguish different approaches. Some researchers focus on the research phase that affects professional development, while others are more interested in exploring the factors that influence development, while still others place greater emphasis on the forms of vocational learning. The educatorsā€™ adherence to professional learning to the extent of exploiting the opportunities of formal learning or to the extent to which they learn from daily experience depends significantly on these educatorsā€™ understanding of professional development. In this paper, we present the results of empirical research that was conducted on a sample of 92 preschool teachers in Croatia. We were interested in how preschool teachers though about their own professional development and whether or not their perceptions changed over the years of work. We found that lower conceptions of professional development are prevailing. The finding is important for all who are engaged in promoting professional development and it is reasonable to consider both the design and the implementation of educational programs.Nenehno poklicno učenje vzgojiteljev danes ni več izbira posameznih entuziastov, temveč nujnost in poklicna dolžnost slehernega vzgojitelja. Profesionalni razvoj vzgojiteljev v Å”irÅ”em smislu pomeni proces, ki poteka od odločitve posameznika za ta poklic oziroma od začetka izobraževanja zanj do upokojitve. V ožjem smislu pa je profesionalni razvoj vzgojitelja omejen na obdobja oziroma Ā»kritične situacijeĀ«, v katerih se posameznik dejansko profesionalno razvija ā€“ spreminja svoja pojmovanja, staliŔča ter prakso delovanja. Pri raziskovanju profesionalnega razvoja razlikujemo različne pristope. Nekateri raziskovalci se usmerijo v raziskovanje faz, po katerih poteka profesionalni razvoj, druge bolj zanima raziskovanje dejavnikov, ki vpliva na razvoj, tretji dajo večjo težo oblikam poklicnega učenja. Kako vzgojitelji pristopijo k profesionalnemu učenju, koliko izkoristijo ponujene formalne priložnosti učenja oziroma koliko se učijo iz vsakodnevnih izkuÅ”enj, je pomembno odvisno tudi od njihovega razumevanja profesionalnega razvoja. V prispevku prikazujemo rezultate empirične raziskave, ki je bila narejena na vzorcu 92 vzgojiteljev na HrvaÅ”kem. Zanimalo nas je, kako vzgojitelji pojmujejo lasten profesionalni razvoj in ali se njihova pojmovanja spreminjajo z leti delovne dobe. Ugotovili smo, da prevladujejo nižja pojmovanja profesionalnega razvoja. Ugotovitev je pomembna za vse, ki se ukvarjajo s spodbujanjem profesionalnega razvoja, in jo je smiselno upoÅ”tevati tako pri načrtovanju kot pri izvajanju izobraževalnih programov

    Professional development of preschool teachers in Croatia

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    Professional development of preschool teachers has over the last few years gained in importance, both in research and practice. European education policy recognizes the importance of preschool teachersā€™ role in developing self-awareness as well as the importance of early and preschool education in which the professional development of teachers represents an indivisible component of culture. However, most research in the field of professional training focuses on elementary and high school teachers, and the same applies to professional development models. Lack of research and the absence of a modern model of preschool teachersā€™ professional development makes it impossible to appreciate the specificity of the preschool teacher profession and the needs arising from these specificities in shaping and evaluating preschool teachersā€™ professional development. The theoretical part of this thesis tries to explain scientific and social changes that have led to professional development of preschool teachers. Emphasis is placed on the contemporary preschool teacher in the European context, acknowledgement of the importance of childhood and the quality of early and preschool education, as well as on neuroscientific discoveries, which influence the practice and society in this field. Furthermore, the basic concepts of profession and requirements are determined, which an occupation must meet in order to become a profession. This thesis emphasizes professional development with an overview of the European understanding of initial preschool teachersā€™ education, as well as a historical overview of the Croatian context as the foundation of todayā€™s approach. It also discusses different approaches, forms, and ways of professional development and numerous factors of preschool teachersā€™ professional development. This part is particularly focused on the overview of the models of professional development, which have served as a starting point for the creation of our model of professional development of preschool teachers. The aim of this thesis is therefore to examine the opinions, attitudes, and experiences of preschool teachers about certain elements of professional development, and to create a model of professional development that is specific to the preschool teacher profession. 524 preschool teachers and 45 principals participated in the quantitative part of research and 10 preschool teacher-mentors and preschool teacher-advisors took part in its qualitative part. Data was collected by means of a questionnaire, which was created for the purspose of this research, and interviews with preschool teacher-mentors and preschool teacher-advisors. We were curious to find out which factors particularly affect preschool teachersā€™ choices in their professional development and which key elements, such as people or moments at work, are emphasized as important in their professional development. In addition, the thesis explores and analyzes preschool teachersā€™ attitudes towards factors that may affect the image of the preschool teacher in society. Insight is also provided into competences from two aspects ā€“ preschool teachersā€™ development during initial research and their opinions about which of the mentioned competences they deem important in practice. Data was analyzed at the level of descriptive and inferential statistics. Despite the work difficulty and roles that keep piling up year after year, research shows that most preschool teachers have never considered leaving their job. Still, the most common reasons for considering it are stressful and difficult work and bad relations with other stakeholders in the education process. Research has also shown that preschool teachers do not attend conferences and do not publish papers. A part of the interviewed preschool teachers mention the principal or a team member as a key person who has had a certain influence on them in their professional development. Overall, they describe positive experiences in the form of direct influence, such as counseling or verbal stimulation. Preschool teachers describe, almost to the same extent, professional development either as a fairly simple concept or as part of a reflective practice focused on the child. It has been established that younger preschool teachers reflect about professional development in multi-dimensional terms. Statistically significant differences in the perception of insecurity were obtained in the category of novice preschool teachers who, in relation to other preschool teachers, feel a higher level of insecurity that decreases over time. Novice preschool teachers also evaluted a high level of professional expertise. Preschool teachers with different types of work experience do not differ in the importance of professionalizing the preschool teacher calling, direct professional activities, and material conditions and external activities. All this data points to the need for a model of professional development of preschool teachers given that some data obtained through research, due to the specificity of the preschool teacher profession, differ significantly from research of the school teaching profession. For this reason we have created a six-phase model of preschool teachersā€™ professional development based on the obtained results and theoretical insights. Phases are named according to the specifics of each particular period: a) Novice preschool teachers (0-3); b) Reflective preschool teacher (4-7-); c) Advanced preschool teacher (8-12); d) Routine preschool teacher (16-23); e) Expert preschool teacher (24-30); f) Preschool teacher veteran (over 30 years of work experience). In each of these phases the focus is on achieving professional development at the (1) individual level, (2) level of institutions and institutional groups, and (3) system level

    Profesionalci ranog i predŔkolskog odgoja i obrazovanja u Europskoj uniji

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    27 zemalja Europske unije, svaka na svoj način, pridonosi kulturnom, povijesnom, socijalnom i inom bogatstvu Europe. Ne čudi stoga da je i rani i predŔkolski odgoj i obrazovanje u sličnoj poziciji, s težnjama ka ujednačavanju stupnja obrazovanja profesionalaca ranog i predŔkolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (EACEA P9 Eurydice, 2009, EC, 2010). Svaka od tih zemalja može nam u dijelu svojih djelatnosti biti primjer, ali kad su profesionalci ranog i predŔkolskog odgoja i obrazovanja u pitanju, Hrvatska može uspravno stajati